Missouri 2019-2020 Lesson Summaries
2019 Lesson 15: Legal Update - Missouri Medical Marijuana
Release Date:
This is an online, Missouri-specific legal studies course. The lesson addresses Missouri’s medical marijuana amendment and related regulations. It explains who a qualifying patient is, and when qualifying patients and their caregivers may grow, purchase, possess, and use marijuana. It also examines the conditions under which a qualifying patient or his/her caregiver may grow marijuana for medical purposes as well as packaging requirements for marijuana sold from a dispensary.
The lesson also examines recent court decisions addressing: when officers may use flash-bang grenades to execute search warrants; what factors make it more likely a court will find the use of flash-bang grenades to be reasonable; how an officer can violate a victim’s Fourteenth Amendment right to privacy; and what factors courts will consider in determining if a disclosure by law enforcement officers was unreasonable.