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New Legislation Blog

Every year the Iowa legislature agrees on new laws that are relevant to law enforcement officers throughout the state. These laws generally take effect on July 1, though some are effective earlier. This year, there are a number of new laws covering many different criminal offenses. Some of the highlights include:

Amendments to the Iowa Code criminalizing the use of computer spyware, expanding the law to define “ransomware” and prohibit the unauthorized introduction of ransomware to any computer or computer network.

Amendments to the Iowa Code clarifying that officers have authority to make an arrest anywhere in the state under certain circumstances.

Enhanced charges for defendants who assault a pregnant person, human traffickers, and defendants involved in the manufacture, delivery, or possession with intent to deliver controlled substances where the defendant’s actions caused serious bodily injury or death to another.

Officers are responsible for knowing and understanding any changes to the Iowa Code as they are relevant to their jobs. Making sure officers remain up to date with these changes is a critical step towards strengthening their capacity to make good decisions every day.

Interested in learning more?

PLS offers police online self-study legal training link: on a wide variety of practical issues to help police officers make good decisions in challenging situations.



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