Dispatch Pro Lesson Summaries
2023 Lesson 2: Teenager Hides in Basement During Burglary; 15,000 Gallons of Jet Fuel Dumped on Elementary School
Release Date:
This one-hour online training will walk the taker through each of the major components of call taking while breaking down and analyzing a real 9-1-1 call. The lesson will challenge the taker to think critically while providing tips and techniques to enhance their skillset. In addition, it will provide the background and resolution of the incident as well as links to additional resources to expand the taker’s knowledgebase. This lesson consists of the following 9-1-1 calls:
Call 1: A young female is hiding in the basement after seeing someone break into her home.
Key Topics:
1. Confirming Addresses
2. Proper questioning techniques.
3. Managing young callers.
4. Obtaining full suspect descriptions
5. Addressing caller safety.
Learning Point: Providing Non-Audible Response Safety Instructions to a Concealed Caller
Call 2: A caller is reporting that an airplane dropped fuel on an elementary school.
Key Topics:
1. Following the standard questioning technique.
2. Obtaining the caller’s name and phone number early.
3. Determining the best response route.
4. Providing assurances early and often.
5. When to transfer a caller.
Learning Point: Mass Casualty Incidents
Additional resources:
1. Effects of Jet-Propulsion Fuel 8 on the Nervous System.
2. A Geospatial Analysis of the Effects of Aviation Gasoline on Childhood Blood Lead Levels.
3. Medical Management Guidelines for Gasoline.