Dispatch Pro Lesson Summaries
2023 Lesson 4: Door-to-Door Salesman Stabs Attacker; Caller Wakes Up from Dream-Finds Wife Dead
Release Date:
This one-hour online training will walk the taker through each of the major components of call taking while breaking down and analyzing a real 9-1-1 call. The lesson will challenge the taker to think critically while providing tips and techniques to enhance their skillset. In addition, it will provide the background and resolution of the incident as well as links to additional resources to expand the taker’s knowledgebase. This lesson consists of the following 9-1-1 calls:
Call 1: A caller reporting that he just stabbed a man who attacked him.
Key Topics:
1. Confirming the location first.
2. Obtaining complete injury information.
3. Asking open-ended questions.
4. Providing officer contact instructions.
5. Gathering weapon information.
Learning Point: Importance of Inflection and Tone
Call 2: A caller believes he has killed someone in his home after waking up covered in blood.
Key Topics:
1. Keeping emotions in check.
2. Determining when to provide medical aid.
3. Addressing caller safety.
4. Listening for red flags.
5. Anticipating a change in circumstances.
Learning Point: Disorientation
Additional Resources:
1. Shock
2. Adrenal Hormones